how do you even begin to sum up an entire YEAR of weddings?

well, with one word… EMOTION.

we see the anticipation. we notice the excitement. we see hands of brides shaking and lips of grooms trembling just moments before they see each other. we see proud looks on parents’ faces. we see love in grandparents’ eyes. we see how skin wrinkles when people cling to each other on the happiest day of their lives. we see tears welling up in eyes and rolling down cheeks.  we see the belly laughs, the secret glances, the booty + booby grabs, the sloppy wet dog kisses and the toddler meltdowns. we see hand holding and the most intimate moments during prayer. we see the light in kids’ eyes and remember what it’s like to be young again. and we see brides so full of inner beauty & grace they literally take our breathe away.

we see it, and we sure as hell feel it too.

so here they are, a collection portraying some of our favorite emotionally charged wedding day images of 2019…

the real, vulnerable, split-second moments that made us laugh or cry… or sometimes even a little of both. we tried our best to keep it under 100 photos but that was literally impossible. thankful and honored to be able to document it all!

special thanks to all of the amazing vendors we worked with side by side to help give these beautiful couples one of the most memorable days of their lives!